Alfred Akinwale
TREC # 0541622
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Please read these terms, conditions and disclaimers carefully. By accessing this website, you agree to be bound to the terms and conditions.
Use of this website
Although this site is intended to provide accurate and timely information, the content of this site may not be accurate or current and may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. From time to time changes may be made to this site without notice. The products, services, and any other information described on this site may change at anytime. The information published on this site is provided as a convenience to visitors and is for informational purposes only. You should verify all information before relying on it and decisions based on information contained in this site are your sole responsibility. You should contact Citiwide Properties Corp.. for additional information at 972.808.9988

This site is controlled and monitored from the United States of America and no representation is made that material are appropriate or available for use in other locations. If you use this site from other locations, you are responsible for compliance with applicable local laws.
Products and Services
The products and services referred to in this website are offered by of through Citiwide Properties Corp.. or its Investor entities. The products and services and the applicable terms and conditions may change at any time and without notice. There may be eligibility requirements for these products and services and they may not be available in all geographic areas. This website, under any circumstances, bounds Citiwide Properties Corp.. or its Investor entities to provide financing.
Exclusion of Warranties
No warranties or representations are made as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained on this website. This information and products and services are provided "as is" "as available" without any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.
Limitation of Liability
Neither Citiwide Properties Corp.. nor its investor entities, employees, or subcontractors shall be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, punitive, or exemplary damages, including lost profits (even if advised of the possibility) arising in any way from the information contained in this website. None of the entities shall be liable for any damages or losses that may be caused to any equipment and other software due to any viruses, defects or malfunctions in connection with access or use of this website.
Privacy Policy
At Citiwide Properties Corp.., we have a long tradition of service and integrity. These are a part of our Company's values and integrity that is reflected in the way we serve our customers each day. This privacy statement reflects the policy of Citiwide Mortgage & Company. It describes how "non-public personal information," which includes customer financial information, may be collected and shared, as well as the steps we take to protect this information from unauthorized access. Act, as well as applicable federal privacy regulations.

This serves to notify you of our policies regarding the nonpublic personal information you provide us.

We collect nonpublic personal information about you from the following sources:

          Information we receive from you on applications or other sources.
          Information about your transaction with us, our affiliates, or others.
          Information we receive from a consumer reporting agency.

We may disclose the following kinds of nonpublic personal information about you:
Information we receive from you on applications or other forms, such as your name, address, social security number, income and debts;
Information about your transaction with us, our affiliates or others, such as your account balance and payment history; and
Information we receive from a consumer reporting agency, such as your credit worthiness and credit history.

We may disclose nonpublic information about you to non-affiliated third parties as permitted by law.
          Financial service providers, such as finance companies; or
          Non-financial companies such as direct marketers.

We do not disclose any nonpublic personal information about our customers or former customers, except as permitted by law.

We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those employees who need to know that information to provide products or services to you. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information.